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PDF-Download After Kathy Acker: A Biography, by Chris Kraus

PDF-Download After Kathy Acker: A Biography, by Chris Kraus

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After Kathy Acker: A Biography, by Chris Kraus

After Kathy Acker: A Biography, by Chris Kraus

After Kathy Acker: A Biography, by Chris Kraus

PDF-Download After Kathy Acker: A Biography, by Chris Kraus

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After Kathy Acker: A Biography, by Chris Kraus


This is a gossipy, anti-mythic artist biography which feels like it's being told in one long rush of a monologue over late-night drinks by someone who was there. Acker emerges as an unlikely literary hero, but an utterly convincing one. (Sheila Heti, author of How Should A Person Be)The path of the female artist. Is hell. Chris Kraus's veracious and intricately structured portrait rouses and stirs as it documents in meticulous and fascinating detail the life, work and body of Kathy Acker and what it takes to a become a 'great writer as countercultural hero.' (Viv Albertine)Kraus reconstitutes Acker's wanderings with real wit and beauty, understanding without pandering to the painfully high stakes of her identity games (Olivia Laing Guardian)To pin down the real Kathy Acker then is a self-defeating task but Chris Kraus's biography of her is a brilliant and necessary thing. Kraus pushes Acker's writing to the foreground making us understand how difficult a territory the so-called avant-garde was, and is, for a woman. (Suzanne Moore New Statesman)'To lie is to try,' Chris Kraus writes in this examination of the various personae of Kathy Acker, the fucked-up girl from high school who, through lying and trying, became an experimental writer of rare courage and vision. In some ways a contemporary and in some ways as far off as the days when people moved to New York and San Francisco for the cheap rent, Acker needed a key, and Chris Kraus provides it. (Ben Moser)Chris Kraus's After Acker sets the bar for what will surely be a new era of critical and biographical reckoning with the life and work of Kathy Acker. Kraus had a ringside seat, has done her homework, and here provides a substantive effort to pay homage not only to the complex, singular, raucous, and crucial writer and human that Acker was, but also to the constellation of artists, musicians, writers, and thinkers who were her friends, lovers, inspirations, and fellow makers of history. (Maggie Nelson)Hardly anyone writes better or more insightfully than Chris Kraus about the lives of women and artists. After Kathy Acker is an intense, riveting portrait of a writer who was raw and savvy, fragile and brilliant, whose self-deceptions were inseparable from her greatness. Quotes from her profane and passionate journals reveal Kathy the crazy poet, the bad girlfriend, the Upper East Side schoolgirl, the downtown writer, Kathy in love and in denial. Gossipy, sexy, tragic, terrific. (Julie Phillips, author of The Double Life of Alice B. Sheldon)


Kathy Acker: Rich girl, street punk, scholar, stripper, victim, media-whore ... and cultural icon.The late Kathy Acker's legend and writings are wrapped in mythologies, many of them created by her. Twenty years after her untimely death aged just 50, Acker's legend has faded, but her writing has become clearer.A few years ago, the writer Chris Kraus, author of I Love Dick, found that her own experiences were becoming more and more like Kathy's. She began writing about Acker 'through the distance, but with this incredible frisson of feeling that often I could write "I" instead of "she."'This is 'literary friction': The first fully authorised biography of the avant-garde writer Kathy Acker, by the woman who arrived on the scene straight after her, who shared some of her boyfriends and friends, and her artistic ambitionsUsing exhaustive archival research and ongoing conversations with mutual colleagues and friends, Kraus traces the woman behind the notorious novels, and places her at the centre of a kaleidoscopic artistic world.'The path of the female artist. Is hell.Chris Kraus's veracious and intricately structured portrait rouses and stirs as it documents in meticulous and fascinating detail the life, work and body of Kathy Acker and what it takes to a become a 'great writer as countercultural hero.' Viv Albertine'This is a gossipy, anti-mythic artist biography which feels like it's being told in one long rush of a monologue over late-night drinks by someone who was there.' Sheila Heti

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Taschenbuch: 352 Seiten

Verlag: Penguin (5. April 2018)

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-10: 9780141986654

ISBN-13: 978-0141986654

ASIN: 0141986654

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

12,9 x 2 x 19,8 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

3.0 von 5 Sternen

1 Kundenrezension

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 91.606 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)

Chris Kraus, in the first chapter of this biography, establishes that Kathy Acker is a liar. That in itself is okay. A biography that does not mystify its subject and put it on a pedestal, is a biography that normally keeps to the ground. In fact Kraus book is a composition of solid work.However, it is haunted by a serious undertone on Kraus side, who also knew Acker. Kraus delivers concrete data concerning Acker's whereabouts. She knows her Address in San Francisco in the 70 and 90s, her London addresses in the 80es and 90es and also knows that Acker was drifting from home to home in 1970es New York. There are two addresses she however omits and that would be Acker's address in Seattle. Perhaps, because the man she was living with there still is living there, James Logie.More strangely however Kraus omits her New York Address in East Side just as much as the Seattle address. It was one of the poorest regions in Manhatten at that time. - Strangely enough there is a total omission of the 1976 punk scene as an influence. Acker's involvement with people such as Alan Moore and Neil Gaiman is sidelined. But more importantly that she was teaching in London from the mid 80es to 1989/90.in fact we know of only four jobs Acker had next to being a writer. Firstly, the sex shows she participated in, secondly, her work as a stripper, thirdly, but just mentioned her work hat KPFA in San Diego, fourthly her job as a teacher at the San Francisco Art Institute. - Kraus does not mention that Acker also wrote reviews and in 1997 worked as a journalist for Vogue two times, or her involvement in Serpent Tail's, a publisher that published "Bodies of Work", texts by Kathy Acker, and "Lust for Life", texts on Kathy Acker. - But we do get portions of her sex life served in slices, small enough not to portrait a total Klischee or Stereotype of Acker.In fact, when Kraus describes Fotos without publishing them, one might argue that it is to not fall into the trap set by Acker, the iconic images her modeling in front of camera produces. Unfortunately, we are getting a description of every photo, including the not-staged ones. The author thereby becomes representative of the photos that her text should be paratext to, a critical reading of. So we are left with Kraus's interpretation of the object, without necessarily knowing the object itself. In other words: we only it know from the mouth of the writer and to the degree we cannot google these images.But as said, Kraus has delivered solid work. She has found out that Acker went to the Lenox High School in New York, now Lenox Birch School etc. So Kraus did do her research and did dig deep, interview past boyfriends such as Leonard Ehrenfeld and Peter Gordon.Here however is another thing. Kraus supposedly as far as I heard together with Sylvere Lotringer. He and Acker were lovers from 1977 to 1979/80. And so she simply states without proving it that the letter-exchange in Acker's My Mother: Demonology, between B and C stands not only for the relation of Bataille and Colette, but: "This time Bataille become 'B,' short for 'Bourenine,' a cipher for her ex-lover Sylvère Lotringer." (Kraus, 2017. p. 176.) - The question here is where is the proof. After all Acker has done this time and time again, composing stories where Rimbaud becomes R and Verlaine V in In Memoriam to Identity. - Of course, In Memoriam to Identity, also digests the former experiences with a German Journalis named Rainer who was a lover of his, so the idea of Acker reliving her memories in these books, is very appealing and I would not put it past Acker to have done this. However, Kraus did not wright about Rainer what I just wrote in these concrete words. She wrote about Lotringer.In any case Kraus, early in the book claims that Acker's re-writing her memories in her books is both her strength and weakness. However no proof is delivered of either and one could also ask, if that does not account for any writer. How many failed pregnancies can, for instance, Paul Auster write about? How often about poverty? Buchowski basically is writing memory. - Acker would not be the only one writing and re-writing her memories for that matter.In fact, although Kraus does delve into her work. But Kraus leaves out the political dimension of Acker's work. If Acker inspires it only becomes evident by reciting interviewees of Barbara Kaspar's documentary "Who's Afraid of Kathy Acker?" - Whereas Kathleen Hannah, founder of Bikini Kill and the Riot Grrrl Movement is of those people Acker inspired. At the end, Kraus wants us to believe what might be quite true, namely that Acker's work is original but dead in the water. She doesn't say so, but it feels that way.Kraus, for this matter does not delve deep into Acker's texts. This is not her job, as she is writing about Acker's life. But for a matter of fact she excludes the political background of the times, as if Roe vs. Wade did not mean anything and there was male violence against women that were pro choice and abortion clinics.In fact Kraus, simply say of My Mother: demonology, that it cannot be read in one constant stream. And simply excludes the background of the gulf war and criticism of American Religious ideology within society. - As a contrast to Acker's sexlife she gives small slices where she notes where something is clever.One could also formulate Kraus analysis of Acker's life in this fashion: she has excluded Acker's life on the east side to note that Acker overspent herself on designer clothing. - She explains the decline of Acker's reception in the 90es with the fact that something else was going on in the literary scene in New York. Gaitskill's "Bad Behaviour" is only one of a few example and Kraus of course excludes her first major success "I was Dick" to make her point, quite to her credit one might ad.On the other hand, when viewing the abscences in her work, it also becomes a form of writing herself into history or more accurate herstory. In a way, reciting Acker's life, she denigrades her work to nothing. The title of the book thereby suggests: what comes after Kathy Acker? Chris Kraus isn't reluctant to answering this question. She moreover is stating it by omitting it: me, me, me, finally, me.

This book is insanely good. I was crying at the end. It’s not just that Kathy Acker led an interesting life, but that Chris Kraus captures it in a way that is so beautiful, seamless, and entertaining. Would give it ten stars if I could.

Wonderful reading.Quite worth waiting for!

Really well researched. Incredible perspectives.

Not only a brilliant biography but a portrait of an era. Fascinating!

most comprehensive book on Acker ever

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